Rivista di Estetica publishes thematic issues about philosophical topics. It is one of the oldest philosophical journals in Italy, established in 1960 as a quarterly journal about aesthetics and more general philosophical themes.

Rivista di Estetica practices double-blind refereeing and publishes both in Italian and English.

The editor of Rivista di Estetica is Tiziana Andina, professor of philosophy at the University of Turin, Italy.

The executive editor is Carola Barbero, associate professor of philosophy at the University of Turin, who follows the day-to-day functioning of Rivista di Estetica, together with the managing editors Elena Casetta and Vera Tripodi.

The open access digital edition is now available on Revues.org

The journal is indexed bySCOPUSWeb of Science Core Index AHCIThe Philosopher’s Index,International Philosophical Bibliography, ERIH, Articoli italiani di periodici accademici (AIDA), Catalogo italiano dei periodici (ACNP), Google Scholar.

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