Deutsch-Italienische Kant-Vorlesung
Deutsch-Italienische Kant-Vorlesung in Kooperation mit der Società Italiana di Studi Kantiani
The deutsch-italienische Kant-Vorlesung in Kooperation mit der Società Italiana di Studi Kantiani is a public lecture held once a year thanks to a collaboration between the Società Italiana di Studi Kantiani, the Universities of Frankfurt and Turin and the journal Studi Kantiani. Leading international Kant scholars are invited every year. The text of the lecture appears in Studi Kantiani.
The lecture was initiated in 2018 as the Frankfurter Kant-Vorlesung and will now be continued as the deutsch-italienische Kant-Vorlesung. It takes place alternately at the Universities of Frankfurt, Turin and at other Italian universities.
7. Deutsch-italienische Kant-Vorlesung
18 June 2024, 5-7 pm
Previous lectures
1. Frankfurter Kant-Vorlesung
Eric Watkins (University of California, San Diego)
Kant on the Grounding of Transcendental Idealism
2. Frankfurter Kant-Vorlesung
Pauline Kleingeld (Groningen)
Kant on Freedom of the Will and Freedom of the Agent
3. Frankfurter Kant-Vorlesung
Angelica Nuzzo (New York)
Das Ende aller Dinge in Kant’s Philosophy
4. Deutsch-Italienische Kant-Vorlesung
Béatrice Longuenesse (NYU)
Kant on ‘The Self’ and ‘The I’
5. Deutsch-Italienische Kant-Vorlesung
Andrew Chignell (Princeton University)
Kant’s practical metaphysics: what, exactly, may we believe about things-in-themselves?
6. Deutsch-Italienische Kant-Vorlesung
Lucy Allais (Johns Hopkins University and University of the Witwatersrand), Private property, free markets and common resources in Kant’s Doctrine of Right