philosophy and literature
Rivista di Estetica n.s. N. 70, 2019, anno LIX
Carola Barbero, Micaela Latini
Until now interdisciplinary research concerning philosophy and literature has focused mainly on aesthetics, philosophy of language and literary studies. The point is that these different research areas have rarely met, preferring to work separately the ones from the others on the same subject. The aim of this special issue is to bring finally together top researchers in all these fields trying to confront their results and their methods and, as far as philosophy is concerned, to take into consideration both the analytic and the continental tradition.
Summary of contents:
Carola Barbero, First variation. Philosophy and Literature
Micaela Latini, Second variation. Philosophy and Literature
Daniela Angelucci, Dalla letteratura alla filosofia. Il Proust di Deleuze
Michele Cometa, Incomprensibilità e ironia. Filosofia e letteratura in Friedrich Schlegel e Paul de Man
Elvira Di Bona, Stefano Ercolino, Musil in a loop: The other conditions and the extended mind
Giuseppe Di Giacomo, Amleto, ovvero le speranze infrante sul non-senso del mondo
Francesca Ervas, Natura multimodale e creatività del linguaggio poetico
Maurizio Ferraris, Enrico Terrone, Like giants immersed in time. Ontology, phenomenology, and Marcel Proust
Wolfgang Huemer, Engaging with works of fiction
Danilo Manca, Valéry e la filosofia della letteratura
Giovanna Pinna, Literature and action. On Hegel’s interpretation of chivalry
Iris Vidmar, Rethinking the philosophy-literature distinction
Giuseppe Patella, Una filosofia dell’intermedio. Ricordo di Mario Perniola
Viviana Vozzo, Beyond the ancient quarrel. Literature, philosophy and J.M. Coetzee di P. Hayes e J. Wilm
Elena Casetta, Evoluzione e cultura di L. Bravalle
Paolo Stellino, Essays in Moral Skepticism di R. Joyce