discrimination in philosophy
Rivista di Estetica N.S. 64, (1/2017), anno LVII
Vera Tripodi
The Open Edition is available here: https://journals.openedition.org/estetica/2056
Our practices of knowledge attribution, acquisition, and justification can systematically disadvantage women and other subordinated groups: by excluding them from inquiry; denying them epistemicauthority, denigrating their modes of knowledge; producing theories that portray them as inferior,deviant; producing social theories that make gendered power relations invisible;reinforcing genderbias and social hierarchies.
Can we remedy these forms of injustice? This issue of the Rivista di estetica addresses what needs to change in our knowledge practices; how we can challenge the narrowness of what is understood as philosophical knowledge; how the concept of knowledge should be considered in connection with notions such as trust, reliance, testimony, authority, credibility; how to revisit theways in which we measure quality and ability and what we should do in order to promote diversity and pluralism in knowledge.
Vera Tripodi, The value of diversity and inclusiveness in philosophy. An overview
Claudia Bianchi, Linguaggio d’odio, autorità e ingiustizia discorsiva
Laura Caponetto, On silencing, authority, and the act of refusal
Bianca Cepollaro, Slurs as the shortcut of discrimination
Shannon Dea, Deep pluralism and intentional course design: Diversity from the ground up
Jacopo Domenicucci, Trust, agency and discrimination
Fiona Jenkins, Discriminating well: On excellence in philosophy and ways of seeing
disciplinary space
Ian James Kidd, Resisters, diversity in philosophy, and the demographic problem
Marina Sbisà, Diving into the Perfect Storm
Tiziana Andina, Normativity and beauty in contemporary arts
Adam Andrzejewski, Authenticity manifested: Street art and artification
Simona Chiodo, La casa ideale
Davide Pala, Ontologia sociale. Transgenerazionalità, potere, giustizia, di Tiziana Andina
Annabella d’Atri, Metaphysics and scientific realism. Essays in honour of David Malet Armstrong, di F.F. Calemi
Edoardo Fugali, La prova del budino. Il senso comune e la nuova scienza cognitiva, di Pietro Perconti
Alberto Giacomelli, Nietzsche and Dostoevsky. On the verge of nihilism, di Paolo Stellino
Rassegna stampa:
21/07/2017, Pagina 99, “la filosofia? è sessista“, di Giacomo Giossi