PRIN 2022 – Next Generation Ita. Increasing Trust, Making Future Generations Possible
Description of the project
The constitutional law of 11 February 2022, n. 1, amended articles 9 and 41 of the Italian Constitution by including an explicit reference to an obligation toward future generations. The amended article speaks of “the protection of the environment, biodiversity and ecosystems, also for the interest of future generations”. In this way, the legislator recognizes the validity of the principle of transgenerational responsibility, according to which the actions we take today may have important consequences for the world of tomorrow and future generations.
The research hypothesis of the present project is that societies are constitutively transgenerational devices, i.e. they are complex artefacts created by human beings that allow the capitalization of knowledge and resources by transferring them over time between generations. Some problems that are distinctive of the current historical phase, as for example the climate and environmental crisis or the sustainability of national public debts and welfare systems, make two things clear: first, the control of time is at least as urgent as that of space, hence the need to update the Constitution with reference to future generations on issues such as the environment and welfare. Second, many social practices carried out by means of information technologies create value: the so-called documedia capital (Ferraris, 2020), i.e., the value of data generated by the processing and sharing of traces we produce by using the web. Documedia capital is increasingly exploited by digital platforms but is rarely conceptualised or capitalised for the benefit of the community or future generations (Andina 2022, Ferraris, 2020). An integration between the theory of transgenerationality and the theory of documedia capital then seems promising in order to identify resources that policymakers can use to support the implementation of transgenerational policies.
Unlike most research on transgenerationality, which only favours the ethical perspective, the NEXT-ITA project inaugurates an innovative approach, able to put together a metaphysical, ethical, historical and juridical perspective on this issue. NEXT-ITA will use a methodology in which philosophy (metaphysics, ontology and ethics) will investigate the structure of transgenerationality together with the ways to strengthen it, while philosophy of law and jurisprudence will investigate the history of the legal devices used to implement transgenerationality in civil law, comparatively exploring the updates of some European constitutions on the issues of environmental protection and future generations and, finally, pointing out possible legal devices aimed at the representation of future generations. Additionally, NEXT-ITA proposes a policy to successfully implement our obligation toward future generations also through the resources of documedia capital.
PRIN Grant: 278.715 €
Research units
Università di Torino
Tiziana ANDINA (PI); Gianmaria AJANI, Maurizio BALISTRERI, Alice CAUDURO, Maurizio FERRARIS, Gabriele GAVA, Carlo GENOVA, Erica ONNIS, Valeria MARTINO, Giulio SACCO.
Università degli Studi dell’Insubria
Barbara POZZO; Francesca AINGER, Letizia CASERTANO, Stefano FANETTI, Valentina JACOMETTI, Elena NALATO.
Università del Salento
Attilio PISANÒ; Matteo GALLETTI, Maurizia PIERRI, Giovanni TARANTINO.
Main publications on the topic by the research team members
Andina, T., (2020). Transgenerazionalità. Una filosofia per le generazione future, Roma, Carocci.
Andina, T., Corvino, F., (2023), Climate Change, the Non-identity Problem, and the Metaphysics of Transgenerational Actions. In G. Pellegrino, M. Di Paola (eds.), Handbook of Philosophy of Climate Change, Cham, Springer,
Onnis, E. (2023). Cibo e libertà di scelta. Verso nuove narrazioni alimentari compatibili con la mitigazione climatica. Rivista di Estetica, 82(3).
Pisanò, A., (2012). Diritti deumanizzati. Animali, Ambiente, Generazioni future, Specie umana, Milano, Giuffrè.
Pisanò, A. (2016), Generazioni future e famiglia umana. In G. Gioffredi (a cura di), Studi su Bioetica e diritto internazionale, Napoli, ESI.
Pisanò, A., (2022). Il diritto al clima. Il ruolo dei diritti nei contenziosi climatici europei, Napoli, ESI.
Pozzo, B. (2018), Climate change and the individual. In the Italian National Reports of the International Academy of Comparative Law.
Pozzo B., (2021), La climate change litigation in prospettiva comparatistica, in Rivista Giuridica dell’Ambiente, 2/2021.
Pozzo, B. (2021). The Italian Path to Climate Change: Nothing New Under the Sun. In F. Sindico, M. M. Mbengue (eds.). Comparative climate change litigation: beyond the usual suspects, Cham, Springer.
Research output
Andina, T., Sacco, G. (2024). Feeling Emotions for Future People, Topoi, 43(1), pp. 5-15, doi:
Sacco, G. (2024), Transgenerational Frontiers: The Capabilities Approach And the New Challenge of Justice, International Journal of Philosophical Studies, doi:
Convegno di apertura del progetto. Rappresentare le generazioni. La questione transgenerazionale nella rappresentanza politica e sociale. Torino, November 23th. Campus Luigi Einaudi, Aula E4, Lungo Dora Siena, 100, h. 9.15-18.15
February 21st (h 17.00-18.30)
Attilio Pisanò, Cos’è un contenzioso climatico? Elementi definitori (discussant Barbara Pozzo)
February 28th (h 17.00-18.30)
Fausto Corvino, Emissions limitarianism (discussant Davide Pala)
March 20th (h 17.00-18.30)
Alice Cauduro, Il futuro dell’accesso al farmaco (discussant Gianmaria Ajani)
March 27th (h 17.00-18.30)
Carlo Genova, Il futuro negli occhi dei giovani. Obiettivi, strumenti, limiti (discussant Valeria Martino)
April 10th (h 17.00-18.30)
Maurizio Balistreri, Etica dell’estinzione umana: la nostra responsibilità verso le generazioni future (discussant Giulio Sacco)
April 24th (h 17.00-18.30)
Davide Pala, Can future generations be dominated? (discussant Tiziana Andina)
May 15th
Emanuele Colombo, Morire per non morire. Dispositivi di creatività
transgenerazionale (Europa cattolica, XVII-XVIII secolo) (discussant Alice
May 29
Alice Raviola, La vita in Atto. Nuove prospettive d’indagine (discussant Giulio Sacco)
June 5
Roberto Caso, La pseudo-proprietà intellettuale e il futuro (incerto) della
conoscenza (libera) (discussant Gianmaria Ajani)
June 6
Giulia Miotti, Future generazioni ed eque possibilità: il ruolo di un’economia
sociale (discussant Erica Onnis)