Oct 2018

The Document Academy. 2018 Annual Meeting. THE DOCUMEDIA REVOLUTION.

October 4, 2018

October 6, 2018


University of Torino, CAVALLERIZZA REALE, Torino, Italy.
Sala Multifunzione, Via Verdi 9.
04 to 06 October, 2018

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About the Document Academy

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The 2018 conference is hosted by the Department of Philosophy and Education Sciences at the University of Torino, in Italy. The conference co-chairs are Angela Condello and Maurizio Ferraris.

The conference will be the inaugural event of a new Centre for Advanced Studies in the Humanities and Industry 4.0, called “Scienza Nuova” (at the University of Torino).

You can also RSVP and share this event on Facebook!

Keynote Speakers
We are delighted to announce the following keynote speakers:

Michael Buckland (University of California at Berkeley, USA)
Gregory Currie (University of York, UK)
Ronald Day (Indiana University–Bloomington, USA)
Claire Scopsi (CNAM, France)
Barry Smith (University at Buffalo, USA)

The Document Academy (DOCAM) is a global collective
that celebrates documentation and documents of all kinds.
Through research, art and other discourse venues, the
Document Academy explores issues and applications in
documentation and documents across academia, the arts,
business and society at large.
The neo-documentalist tradition was borne from the
collegial relationship of Niels Windfeld Lund, Michael
Buckland and W. Boyd Rayward, which stemmed from their
meeting at CoLIS2 in 1996.
The Document Academy itself was founded and named in
a San Francisco cafe by Maribeth Back and Niels Windfeld
Lund in spring 2001. From the outset, they envisaged
workshops, conferences, research centers and
experimentation. To this day, the Document Academy is
not a rigid organization—there is no constitution, staff or
bylaws. Instead, the Document Academy community
comes together in an annual meeting.
Between meetings, the Document Academy convenes
virtually on its Facebook page, on the DOCAM listserv
and in its open-access proceedings


4th October:

9.00 – 9.30 Opening Address: “The Documedia Revolution”Maurizio Ferraris & Angela Condello

Morning Session: Vegetal Documediality

Chair: Angela Condello

9.30 – 10.30 Keynote Michael Buckland

10.30 – 11.00 Coffee break

Contributed Abstracts:

11.00 – 11.30 Virtual Proximity & Anecdata – Laurie J. Bonnici & Brian C. O’Connor
11.30 – 12.00 Documents and moral knowledge – Tim Gorichanaz
F12.00 – 12.30F rom oral history to textual habitus – Bhuva Narayan
12.30 – 13.00 The Architext of Biblion – Arthur Perret


Afternoon Session: Changes in Documediality

Chair: Kiersten F. Latham

14.30 – 15.30 Keynote Ronald Day

15.30 – 16.00 Coffee break

Contributed Abstracts:
16.00 – 16.30 Libraries and the establishment of a Sámi political sphere – Geir Grenersen
16.30 – 17.00 Settler colonial ways of seeing – Danielle Taschereau Mamers
17.00 – 17.30 Discipline derived from the discovery of historical archives – Yongsheng Chen &
Huanning su

5th October:

Morning Session: Social Ontology & Documediality

Chair: Ronald Day

9.30 – 10.30 Keynote Barry Smith

10.30 – 11.00 Coffee break

Contributed Abstracts:
11.00 – 11.30 Life and Loss: Documentation as Grieving Process – Laurie J. Bonnici
11.30 – 12.00 What (not) to Document? – Vojtěch Malínek & Tomasz Umerle
12.00 – 12.30 In Case I Die in this Mess: Documentary Challenges for Wills – Katherine Biber&Trish Luker


Afternoon Session: Aesthetics & Documediality

Chair: Geir Grenesen

14.30 – 15.30 Keynote Gregory Currie

15.30 – 16.00 Coffee break

Contributed Abstracts:
16.00 – 17.30 Panel Documenting Music and Gesture: Born Analogue, Digitally augmented,
Analogically Reused
Paper 1 The Sound Archives and Musical Instrument Collections Project – Ilario
Meandri, Giorgio Bevilacqua, Elisa Salvalaggio

Paper 2 Image and Range-Based 3D Acquisition and Modelling of Popular Musical
Instruments – Filiberto Chiabrando, Piercarlo Dondi, Marco Malagodi, Giacomo Patrucco
Paper 3 Lo ch’a cunta a l’è nèn la mūsica, a sun I gèst (All That Matters Is Not
Music, it’s Gesture) – Cristina Ghirardini, Guido Raschieri, Domenico Torta
The Wonders of the Augsburg Cabinet – Kiersten F. Latham

17.30 – 18.00 The Wonders of the Augsburg Cabinet – Kiersten F. Latham


Circolo dei Lettori (via Bogino 8) – h. 19:30
Conference Dinner and Lectio Magistralis by John Searle “Making the
Social World” – Introduction: Maurizio Ferraris

6th October

Morning Session: Technology, Artificial Intelligence, and Trust

Chair: Tim Gorichanaz

9.30 – 10.30 Keynote Claire Scopsi

10.30 – 11.00 Coffee break

Contributed Abstracts:
11.00 – 11.30 Document as experience(d): the key to a future science of technology-mediated
experience – Sachi Arafat & Elham Ashoori
11.30 – 12.00 The Public Library and Social Media – Roswitha Skare
12.00 – 12.30 LAMs in the DigitalAge – Andreas Vårheim, Helena Francke, Geir Grenersen,
Kiersten F. Latham, Noah Lenstra, Roswitha Skare

Organizing committee
· Angela Condello
· Marco Inchingolo
· Valeria Martino