2021 edition
Artificial vs. natural intelligence. New perspectives from metaphysics, ethics and robotics
The INTERNATIONAL CHAIR OF PHILOSOPHY JACQUES DERRIDA 2021 (October 29th, Sala Principi D’Acaja, Palazzo del Rettorato) is awarded to Professor Francesco Erspamer.
October 29th Videos: Part 1 | Part 2
2019 edition
Thinking Nature. A Philosophy of Nature Today?
The PAOLO BOZZI PRIZE FOR ONTOLOGY 2019 (October 15th, Sala Principi D’Acaja, Palazzo del Rettorato) is awarded to Professor Jolán Orbán.
The INTERNATIONAL CHAIR OF PHILOSOPHY JACQUES DERRIDA 2019 (October 16th, Sala Principi D’Acaja, Palazzo del Rettorato) is awarded to Professor Iain Hamilton Grant.
Nature has always been at the center of philosophical reflection. However, in the 20th century, it partially went out of stage. This was due, at least in part, to the dominance of an extreme form of post-modernism. Derrida’s controversial sentence “il n’ya pas de hors texte” became, in Spivak’s translation of De la grammatologie, “There is nothing outside of the text”. It is particularly in this form that it has been interpreted by Derrida’s opponents to make it appear that the philosopher is claiming that nothing exists beyond language, resulting in a form of extreme anti-realism denying nature any autonomy. Is this the correct reading of Derrida’s claim? The first day of the conference is devoted to examining the possible meanings of the statement and their different implications. The second day is devoted to exploring if today it is possible, after the alleged setback of the 20th century, to think philosophically about nature and to enquire into which forms a philosophy of nature may take. As a matter of fact, after the defeat of post-modernism, we witnessed a comeback of realism that guarantees nature its autonomy, making a new philosophy of nature possible. But which form and which philosophical language this new philosophy of nature may, or should, take? Is there any continuity between it and, for instance, Naturphilosophie? What, if anything, distinguishes the project of the philosophy of science from the philosophy of nature? These and similar issues will be discussed during this two-day international conference.
October 15th Videos: Part 1 | Part 2
October 16th Videos: Part 1
2018 edition
Scienza Nuova. Humanities 4.0
The PAOLO BOZZI PRIZE FOR ONTOLOGY 2018 (October 15th, Sala Principi D’Acaja, Palazzo del Rettorato) is awarded to Maria Eichhorn.
The INTERNATIONAL CHAIR OF PHILOSOPHY JACQUES DERRIDA 2018 (October 16th, Sala Principi D’Acaja, Palazzo del Rettorato) is awarded to Professor Bernard Stiegler.
Refuting the optimistic prophecies made in 1979 (the advent of the postmodern condition) and 1989 (fall of the wall and the end of history), a revolutionary tool appeared precisely in 1989: The World Wide Web. Conceived as an instrument of emancipation, the web has proved to be a very powerful constructor of social reality. Now, for over ten years, more or less since the introduction of smartphones, we have been witnessing a “documedial revolution”, which consists in the union between the institutive power of documents (the web is the largest archive that history has ever known) and the dynamism of the media (each of us is both a receiver and a producer of messages, whereas till not long ago we used to be only receptors).
The web and the Internet, together with cyber-physical systems, the Internet of things, and cloud computing has transformed not only knowledge but also the social world with a speed and a power whose only equivalent can be found in the capitalist revolution of the early nineteenth century. However, we have not yet conceptualized this transformation and its consequences, because we are used to interpreting it as an evolution of capitalism: however, it is actually a radical transformation that introduces a discontinuity which must be analyzed, understood and addressed. The conference will take place on the occasion of the inauguration of “Scienza Nuova”, the Institute of Advanced Studies of the University of Turin aimed precisely at studying the interdependence between technological innovations and both philosophical changes and social transformations, from industry to art.
October 15th Videos: Part 1 | Part 2
October 16th Videos: Part 1 | Part 2
2017 edition
Post-truth, New Realism, Democracy
The INTERNATIONAL CHAIR OF PHILOSOPHY JACQUES DERRIDA 2017 (October 23rd, Sala Principi D’Acaja, Palazzo del Rettorato, 10 h) is awarded to Professor Günter Figal.
The PAOLO BOZZI PRIZE FOR ONTOLOGY 2017 (October 24th, Sala Principi D’Acaja, Palazzo del Rettorato, 17 h) is awarded to Professor Brian Leiter.
2016 edition
Schelling. Nature, Myth, Realism
The INTERNATIONAL CHAIR OF PHILOSOPHY JACQUES DERRIDA 2016 (October 24th, Aula magna della Cavallerizza, 17.30 h) is awarded to Professor Massimo Cacciari
The PAOLO BOZZI PRIZE FOR ONTOLOGY 2016 (October 25th, Sala Principi D’Acaja, Palazzo del Rettorato, 17 h) is awarded to Professor Wolfram Hogrebe
October 24th Videos: Part 1 | Part 2
October 25th Videos: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
2015 edition
The INTERNATIONAL CHAIR OF PHILOSOPHY JACQUES DERRIDA 2015 (November 24th, Sala Principi D’Acaja, Palazzo del Rettorato, 09 h) is awarded to Professor Alessandra Donati
The PAOLO BOZZI PRIZE FOR ONTOLOGY 2015 (November 24th, Sala Principi D’Acaja, Palazzo del Rettorato, 17 h) is awarded to Professor Paolo Legrenzi
Videos: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
2014 edition
The INTERNATIONAL CHAIR OF PHILOSOPHY JACQUES DERRIDA 2014 (October 9th, Sala Principi D’Acaja, Palazzo del Rettorato, 09 h) is awarded to ProfessorMichel Wieviorka.
The PAOLO BOZZI PRIZE FOR ONTOLOGY 2014 (October 9th, Sala Principi D’Acaja, Palazzo del Rettorato, 17 h) is awarded to Professor Markus Gabriel.