Workshop. Webfare: A Deep Dive -


Jun 2023

Workshop. Webfare: A Deep Dive

Bonn, Center for Science and Thought (Konrad-Zuse-Platz 1-3), 3. OG and via Zoom, 10:00 AM  1:00 PM  

June 9, 2023

Workshop. Webfare: A Deep Dive


This workshop follows up on the Mercator Lecture for AI in the Human Context by Visiting Professor Maurizio Ferraris on June 09, 2023 and offers the opportunity to dive deeper into the concept of WEBFARE, its philosophical and economic background and socio-political implications.
This Deep Dive is also an invitation to change formats and actively join the conversation. Together with Dr. Ana Ilievska (Bonn/Stanford) as respondent, we will discuss the soon to be published book by Prof. Maurizio Ferraris: Webfare. A Manifesto for Social Wellbeing. All registered participants will be provided with an excerpt of the book in advance.
Webfare is a term derived from “Welfare”, meaning the restitution to humanity of the wealth it produces on the Web. This wealth is novel because, although the actions and behavior it records date back to the origin of the human species, these had not been documented and transformed into data (i.e., into potential capital) until now. Furthermore, this new wealth is rich, because it provides us with an unprecedentedly granular description of humanity’s present and past activities, something called “Artificial Intelligence,” instead of simply telling us how much money a group of people have, as in banking capital, or their expectations with respect to the future, as in financial capital. Third, it is a renewable asset, as the ownership of data has the characteristic of the publicity of ideas. Unlike tangible assets, data can be given away without the owner having to deprive themselves of it. Finally, and most importantly, it is an equitable wealth that is built by the inexhaustible and egalitarian function of need, which makes all human beings equal, rather than the problematic and disputable phenomenon of merit.

Join us via Zoom Meeting ID: 612 0869 0533 | Passcode: 502525
Please register until June, 05 by writing an e-Mail to Tanja Mlinski: