Philosophical Essays on Ugo Nespolo’s Art and Cinema
Cambridge Scholars Publishing
An indefatigable experimenter with new creative possibilities. With his work the Italian artist Ugo Nespolo (1941-) has given shape to a poetics that stands out in the contemporary art scene by existing on the border between avant-garde and pop. He has experimented in almost every field of art, in and out of different screens, from paintings to installations and cinema.
The book offers a collection of essays that examine Nespolo’s poetics from different theoretical perspectives through the contributions of philosophers, critics, historians of art and cinema, and artists. The book consists of three sections. The first includes some essays dedicated to Nespolo’s works that fall within the visual arts. The second presents essays that investigate his cinema and some of his films. The third section concludes the book with two interviews made at different stages of Nespolo’s career, which tackle some of the key themes of his poetics, offering a direct insight into his theoretical reflection.
The volume collects the contributions by: Tiziana Andina, Adam Andrzejewski, Daniela Angelucci, Enrico Baj, Carola Barbero, Elisa Caldarola, Timothy Campbell, Davide Dal Sasso, Vittorio Fagone, Maurizio Ferraris, Andrea Mecacci, Eduarda Neves, Francesco Poli, Paul Sutton, Enrico Terrone, Gianni Vattimo.