Making Sense of Gender, Sex, Race and the Family
Elena Casetta and Vera Tripodi (Eds.)
Elena Casetta and Vera Tripodi
Between Science and Philosophy: New Perspectives on
Gender, Sex, Race, and the Family
Andrea Borghini
Food in the Metaphysical Orders: Gender, Race, and the Family
Valentina Chizzola
Sex and/or Gender? Some Neuroscientific Approaches
Roberta Cocco and Francesca Ervas
Gender Stereotypes and Figurative Language Comprehension
Esa Diaz Leon
Social Kinds, Conceptual Analysis, and the Operative Concept: A Reply to Haslanger
Claude Olivier Doron
Race and Genealogy. Buffon and the Formation of the Concept of “Race”
Koffi N. Maglo and Lisa J. Martin
Researching vs. Reifying Race: The Case of Obesity Research
Lina Papadaki
Abortion and Kant’s Formula of Humanity
Sanja Milutinovic Bojanic
The Female Brain by Cynthia Darlington and Gender and the Science of Difference
by Jill A. Fisher (Ed.)
Greta Gober
Sexing the Body. Gender Politics and the Construction of Sexuality
by Anne Fausto Sterling
Maria Rodó de Zárate and Marta Jorba
The Complexity of Intersectionality
by Leslie McCall
Anna Boncompagni
Shifting Ground. Knowledge and Reality, Transgression and Trustworthiness
by Naomi Scheman
Ingeborg W. Owesen
Birth, Death and Femininity Philosophies of Embodiment
by Robin May Schott (Ed.)
Giuliano Torrengo
Minimizing Marriage. Marriage, Morality, and the Law
by Elizabeth Brake
Sally Haslanger
by Elena Casetta
Marta Nussbaum
by Sara Protasi
Jules Holroyd and Alessandra Tanesini
Under-Represented Groups in Philosophy
(26th-27th November 2010)
Maeve O’Donovan, Namita Goswami, and Lisa Yount
Women in Philosophy: Why Race and Gender Still Matter
(28th April 2012)