Aesthetics of Contemporary Work
Rivista di Estetica n.s. N. 79, 2022, anno LXII
Today, work is a widely debated theme: despite relevant criticalities due to the changes in the economic and political orders, it remains a basic component of our daily lives, a foundational aspect of human action as well as one of the main forms of social recognition.
Across such background, the issue engages with a wide set of reflections concerning not only the representation and the conceptualization of work, but also the relationships
between art and work: how does work define the artwork? How is the work of artists valued today?
Contributions cover the fields of aesthetics, philosophy of art, ontology of art and work,
legal and political philosophy, as well as literary theory.
Summary of contents
Angela Condello, Aesthetics of Contemporary Work
Aljoša Krajišnik, The private civilization
Sue Spaid, On Work’s Perdurance: Artworkers, Artworks and Contents
Andrea Baldini, Artists as Workers: Rethinking Creativity in a Post-Pandemic World
Zhao Kuiying, Viewing the Value of Contemporary Artistic Work from the Angle of Conceptual Art
Lu Wenchao, On Two Kinds of Labor of Dagong Writers
Peng Feng, On Works and Workings of Art: A Perspective
from Comparative Aesthetics
Tiziano Toracca, The end of the working class and the tragic and ridiculous perversion of industry: Paolo Volponi’s Le mosche del capitale (1976-1989)
Bert van Roermund, Labour and Leviathan: Anish Kapoor and the Idea of an Embodied Polity
Raquel Cascales, Vindicating the Historical Condition of Art and its Consequences: Hegel’s Influence on Danto’s Philosophical System
Silvano Facioni, Sinestesie e anamorfismi di Pio Colonnello