Giulio Sacco
Post-doc fellow, University of Turin
Giulio Sacco (Terni, 1994) is currently a research fellow at the University of Turin, where he is a member of the LabOnt – Center for Ontology, dealing with the project “Documenting Transgenerationality”. He obtained a PhD in Human Sciences (Philosophy) at the University of Perugia. His research interests cover both theoretical and practical issues, ranging from rhetoric and public discussion – especially with reference to Aristotle – to moral philosophy and the philosophy of psychology (in particular the philosophy of emotions). Numerous of his contributions have appeared in scientific journals (including «Ragion pratica», «Rivista di filosofia», «Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica», «Sistemi intelligenti», «Philosophia») and in cultural journals such as «il Mulino. Rivista di cultura e di politica».