Alessandro Bertinetto -
Alessandro Bertinetto -

Alessandro Bertinetto

Alessandro Bertinetto (Viareggio, 1971) is Professor of Theoretical Philosophy at the University of Turin. He worked as Researcher in Aesthetics at the University of Udine and has been Alexander von Humboldt Fellow at the FU Berlin. He has been visiting professor at the universities of Madrid Complutense, Murcia, Toulouse, Luxembourg, Valencia, and Padova. He served as member of the Executive Committee of the European Society for Aesthetics.

His research interests include philosophy of art, philosophy of music, theory of image, analytic and continental aesthetics, hermeneutics, and German idealism. His current projects focus on the aesthetics of improvisation.

Recent books: La forza dell’immagine, Udine, Mimesis 2010; Il pensiero dei suoni, Milano, Bruno Mondadori 2012 (French Translation: La pensée des sons, Paris, Delatour 2017; Eseguire l’inatteso. Ontologia musicale e improvvisazione, Roma 2016; Il bello dell’esperienza (con G. Bertram, a cura di), Milano, Marinotti 2016.