Alessandra Donati
Assistant Professor, University “Milano Bicocca”
Alessandra Donati is a professor of Comparative Contract Law at the University of Milano-Bicocca and head of the Art Law Programme in the Master in Contemporary Art Markets at the New Academy of Fine Arts in Milan (NABA). She is a licensed Lawyer active in the Art Law field and She focuses her research on the juridical aspects of contemporary art practices. She is consultant for CBA Law Firm.
In 2015 she won the 2th edition of the Prize ”The Jaques Derrida / Law and Culture International Chair of Philosophy”.
She is director of the Course for the “Curator of Artist’ Archive” organized by AitArt, and Co-director of the International Summer School on “Identity and Conservation on Contemporary Art: duties and responsibility” of Unito, Unimib and Venaria.
She is Director of the legal study series on “Comparative Art law” ESI Publisher and Member of Editorial Board of the International Review Art and Law, Brill Research Perspectives Publisher.
She is Deputy Chairman of the Scientific Committee of the Italian Association of Artists’ Archives (AitArt), Member of the Scientific Committee of the Center of Research on Cultural Heritage Bi-Pac of Milano-Bicocca (Bi-Pac), member of Committe on Law, Literature and Art of the Milan Bar Association and Member of the Board of Careof, organization for contemporary art research in Milan.
She is one of the writers of PACTA, Protocols for Authenticity, Cure and Protection of contemporary Artworks, a new tool of certification of contemporary artwork adopted by MIBACT on July 2017
She is a member of PAIAM – Professional Advisors to the International Art Market- of the Art Law Foundation, Geneva, of the Società Italiana per lo Studio del Diritto Comparato, of the Association H. Capitant des Amis de la Culture Juridique Française; of the Italian Association of Comparative Law, of the Bergamo Scienza Association and of the Associazione Filippo de Pisis.
Author of many articles and monographs on Art Law, including: Law and Art: diritto civile e arte contemporanea, Giuffré, 2012, I contratti degli artisti, Giappichelli, 2012 and I diritti dell’arte contemporanea, Allemandi, 2011, Autenticità, Authenticité, Authenticity dell’opera d’arte. Diritto, mercato, prassi virtuose, in Riv. dir. civ., 2015, – “Rilevanza Giuridica dell’Archivio d’Artista”, in Rapporto annuale Federculture, Gangemi, 2016, p. 161 ss; La vente d’une oeuvre mal attribuée par une galerie ou dans le contexte d’une foire d’art – responsabilité en droit comparé, in AL Bandle F. Elsig (éds) Risques et périls dans l’attribution des oeuvres d’art : de la pratique des experts aux aspects juridiques, 2018; – I “percento per l’arte: evoluzione della disciplina in Europa e nel mondo, in 2% 717 1949 – CURA.BOOKS , 2017; La tutela giuridica dell’identità e dell’integrità dell’opera d’arte contemporanea, in Contratto e Impresa Europa, 2017, From the Object to the Archive, Guaranteeing Authorship and Ownership in Contemporary Art, in D. McClean, (eds), Artsit Authorship & Legacy. A Reader. Ridinghouse, 2018.
Dipartimento di giurisprudenza, Università di Milano Bicocca
Edificio e stanza: U6-2075