Nancy Abigail Nuñez Hernández
Postdoc Fellow, University of Hamburg
Areas of competence
Analytic Philosophy, Epistemology, Logic, Philosophical Logic, Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Cognitive Sciences, Philosophy of Science.
- 2011-Present PhD in Epistemology and Cognitive sciences about “Epistemic closure principles and justification of deduction.” UNAM
- 2008-2010 MA in Philosophy. Philosophical skepticism and ordinary knowledge attributions. UNAM
- 2010 MA in Philosophy, Science and Values. Epistemic contextualism. Universidad del País Vasco.
- 2002-2006 Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy. UNAM
- “La respuesta contextualista a los argumentos escépticos.” In the book Ars Logicurum II, FES Acatlán-UNAM, México 2015
Contributed papers on conferences and seminars
- 2015 Conference “Empirical evidence for the resolution of the inference paradox”. 3rd Workshop of IIF-UNAM’ Students
- 2014 Conference “The inference paradox.” 2nd Workshop of IIF-UNAM’ Students
- 2013 Conference “Epistemic Closure Principles.” 2nd UNAM Graduate Conference.
Research Projects and Seminars
- 2014-Present Member of the Research Project “After logical consequences” IIF-UNAM
- 2011-Present Member of the Research Project “Philosophical Aspects of Modality” IIF-UNAM
- 2011-2014 Member of the Research Project “Philosophy of Cognitive Sciences” IIF-UNAM
- 2010-Present Member of the Seminar on Philosophy of Language, IIF-UNAM
- 2010-2014 Member of the Seminar on Philosophy of Cognitive Sciences, IIF-UNAM
Teaching experience
- 2015 Epistemology. Philosophy Department, UNAM
- 2015 Introduction to Mathematical Thinking. Social Sciences Department, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana
- 2013, 2014 Philosophy of Language (Teaching Assistantship). Department of Philosophy, UNAM
- 2009, 2010, 2014 Epistemology (Teaching Assistantship). Department of Philosophy, UNAM
- 2004 Aesthetics (Teaching Assistantship). Department of Philosophy, UNAM
Scholarships, distinctions and awards
- 2011-2015, 2008-2010 Scholarship for Graduate Studies. Conacyt (Mexican Government)
- 2010, Scholarship for Graduate Studies. Government of Basque Country.
- 2006 Gabino Barreda Distinction (Best of the Class) UNAM
- 2006 Gustavo Baz Prada Distinction (Community Services) UNAM
Conference Organization
- 2015 Organization of the 2nd Graduate Conference IFF-UNAM (Keynote speaker: F. Rcanati)
- 2014 Organization of the 3rd Workshop on Philosophy of Cognitive Sciences IIF-UNAM
Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas (IIF). Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)
Coyacan, 04510 México, D. F.