International conference.
Working in the Digital Age
Turin, Campus Universitario Luigi Einaudi, Sala Lauree Blu
March 24, 2022
March 25, 2022
Working in the Digital Age
The Digital Revolution changed profoundly the nature of work. Think of the big data that are produced by internet users as a byproduct of their operations and that are used by corporations who profit from them, without any compensation for the unaware “workers” who produce them; or think of the spreading of smart work during the pandemic emergency. The digital revolution and the so called “industry 4.0” require to be understood so that institutions can manage the sustainability and the intergenerational consequences of the changed nature of work on an ethical, legal, social, cultural, and economic level.
The international conference “Working in the Digital Age” explores the changed nature of work and its sustainability, on the one hand in the EU and in particular in Piedmont, Italy; and, on the other hand, in the African context, where digital technologies are rapidly spreading, without necessarily following the same trajectories as in Europe. How is the job market changing, in Europe and Africa? Which new jobs have emerged and which ones have disappeared? How are “traditional” jobs such as crafts and trade being reconfigured? Which sectors of the population are at the center of the current technological transformations? Which social groups, on the other hand, are left on the sidelines, suffering more than driving change? Which figures of experts and specialists have emerged in relation to the digital and on which repertoires of knowledge and practices do they build their skills and authority? Speakers are invited to reflect on these and other related issues, drawing on their specific research work.
Scientific Committee
Tiziana Andina, Elena Casetta, Maurizio Ferraris, Cecilia Pennacini
Organizing Committee
Carola Barbero, Francesco Camboni, Davide Dal Sasso, Gregorio Fracchia, Tommaso Listo, Valeria Martino, Giovanna Santanera, Tiziano Toracca
The conference is part of the research project SN-DICAP Scienza Nuova. DIgital CAPital (PI Maurizio Ferraris, Department of Philosophy and Educational Sciences) supported by Fondazione CRT).
Si ricorda che stando alle vigenti normative di Ateneo, la partecipazione in presenza al convegno è consentita solo ai membri della comunità Unito.