Jun 2022

Unpacking the social world: Groups and Solidarity

University of Turin, Campus Luigi Einaudi, sala lauree blu

June 16, 2022

June 16th, 2022, University of Turin

Campus Luigi Einaudi, sala lauree blu


“Sociality” is a fuzzy word that can be found in a wide range of scopes and debates, from antiquity to the contemporary age. Notwithstanding or rather just in virtue of its wide currency, however, there is no explicit consensus on the meaning “sociality” has. While biology and sociology have rather wide notions of sociality, the focus of social ontology is on the social world, that is, the ontological domain which is populated by social entities. While according to some sociality occurs as long as there is interaction among people, involving joint commitments and plural subjects, others refer to the social world as mostly made of institutional facts or social objects, or deal with social actions and practices.


The workshop aims at shedding light on sociality by addressing two core classic subjects of social philosophy: groups and solidarity. Indeed, groups are the most obvious result of sociality as the tendency of grouping, depending on living and interacting with others. On the other hand, as another branch of sociality, solidarity has only recently attracted remarkable attention from social and political philosophers; while some propose to unpack it in terms of joint action, others explore the forms of mutual recognition that are combined in solidarity.


Morning session

9.30- 10.00 Welcome and greetings by the organisers

Chair Lara Barbara

10.00-10.45 Raul Hakli (University of Helsinki), Solidarity and We-reasoning

10.45-11.15 coffee break

11.15-12 Hans Bernhard Schmid (University of Wien), Solidarity, Consistency, and Self-Determination

12-12.45 Francesco Camboni (University of Torino) and Carlo Burelli (University of Genova), The function of solidarity and its normative implications


Afternoon session

Chair Gregorio Fracchia

15.00 – 15.45 Valeria Martino (University of Torino), Attaching Value to Membership: A Criterion?

15.45 – 16.30 Andrea Sangiovanni (King’s College London), What is Solidarity and Why Is It of Value? A Note on Method [online]

16.30 – 17.15 Tiziana Andina (University of Torino), Transgenerational social actions: acting for the future


To attend online, please use the following link


Organising committee: Francesco Camboni, Valeria Martino, Erica Onnis

Co-funded by ISOS (International Social Ontology Society) and Labont – Center for Ontology