
International Chair of Philosophy “Jacques Derrida”/ Law and Culture

Scienza Nuova Institute, corso Montevecchio 38, Torino

October 10, 2024

October 11, 2024

The International Chair of Philosophy Jacques Derrida / Law and Culture

The ‘Jacques Derrida / Law and Culture’ International Chair of Philosophy was instituted in Turin with the support of Compagnia di San Paolo and of the University of Turin with the aim of honouring the memory of one of the greatest philosophers of the twentieth century.

The choice of this particular city was suggested by the fact that Derrida cultivated long-lasting relations of friendship and professional collaboration with professors teaching at the University of Turin, which also conferred him a degree honoris causa in Philosophy in 1998.

The subtitle ‘Law and Culture’ is tied to the fact that Derrida’s late work much revolved around the link between philosophy and the general topics of law, culture and justice, in accordance with the principle that ‘justice is not deconstructible’.

Every year, the directing committee selects an internationally acclaimed philosopher, jurist or sociologist to hold three lectures in Turin throughout the academic year.


Scholars awarded during the past editions

2023 – Christopher Fynsk (European Graduate School)

2021 – Francesco Erspamer (Harvard University)

2019 – Jolán Orbán (University of Pécs)

2018 – Bernard Stiegler (Institut de recherche et d’innovation, IRI, Paris)

2017 – Günter Figal (University of Freiburg)

2016 –  Massimo Cacciari (San Raffaele University, Milan)

2015 – Alessandra Donati (University of Milano Bicocca)

2014 – Michel Wieviorka (École des hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris)


The “Paolo Bozzi” Prize for Ontology

In the framework of the International Chair of Philosophy, every year one scholar is awarded with the “Paolo Bozzi” Prize for Ontology, instituted in 2010 by LabOnt with the aim of giving public recognition to thinkers who have distinguished themselves in the field of ontology. The award winner is invited to give a public lecture on the day of the ceremony. The scholars awarded during the past editions are the following:

2023 – Graham Harman (Southern California Institute of Architecture, SCI-Arc)

2019 – Iain Hamilton Grant (University of West England, Bristol)

2018 – Maria Eichhorn (Artist)

2017 – Brian Leiter (University of Chicago)

2016 –  Wolfram Hogrebe (University of Bonn)

2015 – Paolo Legrenzi (Università di Venezia)

2014 – Markus Gabriel (University of Bonn)

2013 – Michael Kubovy (University of Virginia)

2011 – Achille Varzi (Columbia University)

2010 – Barry Smith (University of Buffalo)

SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE: Valerio Adami, Gianmaria Ajani, Tiziana Andina, Carola Barbero, Margherita Breitenberg, Petar Bojanić, Olivier Bouin, Marguerite Derrida, Alessandra Donati, Francesco Erspamer, Maurizio Ferraris, Günter Figal, Michèle Gendreau-Massaloux, Werner Gephart, Yves Hersant, Jolán Orbán, Michel Wieviorka


For further information

elena.casetta[at]unito.it  |  erica.onnis[at]unito.it