Jul 2013

19th Jubilee International Congress of Aesthetics (Berlin 1913 – Krakow 2013): Aesthetics in Action.

July 21, 2013

July 27, 2013

19th Jubilee International Congress of Aesthetics (Berlin 1913 – Krakow 2013), 21-27/07/2013.

The International Congress of Aesthetics is held every three years under auspices of the International Association for Aesthetics and is a main event in aesthetics worldwide. The 19th, Jubilee Congress will take place in Krakow, July 21-27, 2013.
Home page.
The LabOnt (Università di Torino-Italy)will attend with a ralations of Andrea Borghini and Tiziana Andina:“A Quasi-Definition for the Works of Art. The Philosophy and the Critics in Action”.


19th International Congress of Aesthetics: Aesthetics in Action

Aesthetics – visions and revisions
Changes in Art; past and present
Aesthetics in Practice; the aesthetic factor in religion, ethics, education, politics, law, economy, trade, fashion, sport, everyday life etc.
Aesthetics and Nature; evolutionism, ecology, posthumanism…
Body Aesthetics; soma and senses
Art and Science
Technologies and Bio-technologies in aesthetics and art
Architecture and Urban Space
Cultural and Intercultural Studies in Aesthetics
The Sphere of Transition; transections, transformations, transfigurations in culture, aesthetics and the arts