Manifesto of New Realism
English Translation
SUNY Press
Retraces the history of postmodern philosophy and proposes solutions to overcome its impasses.
Philosophical realism has taken a number of different forms, each applied to different topics and set against different forms of idealism and subjectivism. Maurizio Ferraris’s Manifesto of New Realism takes aim at postmodernism and hermeneutics, arguing against their emphasis on reality as constructed and interpreted. While acknowledging the value of these criticisms of traditional, dogmatic realism, Ferraris insists that the insights of postmodernism have reached a dead end. Calling for the discipline to turn its focus back to truth and the external world, Ferraris’s manifesto—which sparked lively debate in Italy and beyond—offers a wiser realism with social and political relevance.
“In the new atmosphere of Anglophone continental thought, realism is not just a viable option but is arguably home to the most promising innovations of our time. Ferraris will serve as a welcome new influence.” — from the Foreword by Graham Harman.
Table of Contents
Author’s Note
1. Realitism: The Postmodern Attack on Reality
2. Realism: Things That Have Existed Since the Beginning of the World
3. Reconstruction: Why Criticism Starts from Reality
4. Emancipation: Unexamined Life Has No Value