Andrea Borghini -
Andrea Borghini -

Andrea Borghini

Associate Professor, University of Milan

Andrea Borghini is Associate Professor in the Philosophy Department at the Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy, I previously taught in the Philosophy Department at the College of the Holy Cross (2007-2017). Between 2001 and 2007, he studied for his Ph.D (and M. Phil. and M.A.) in the Philosophy Department at Columbia University, in New York City, and between 1996-2000 he studied for hisLaurea in the Philosophy Department at the Università degli studi di Firenze, in Florence, Italy. Andrea’s research focuses on metaphysical issues in the general areas of Metaphysics, Philosophy of Biology, and the Philosophy of Food. 

Since 2008 Andrea studied food from a philosophical perspective. In his work he develops new theoretical tools to rethink how we speak, structure, sense, and feel about food, eating, and culinary culture. Specific topics of research include hunger and appetite, place, and biodiversity. My research sits at the intersection of theory, value, and practice. Though grounded in philosophy, Andrea collaborates with a wide spectrum of scholars in the natural and social sciences, as well as food practitioners.


Dipartimento di Filosofia Piero Martinetti, Università degli Studi di Milano

