I WORK THEREFORE I AM EUROPEAN. Metamorphosis of Labour: social identity mobilization, integration, representation

I WORk THEREFORE I AM EUROPEAN Metamorphosis of Labour: social identity mobilization, integration, representation Brussels, November 9-11-2017 iworkthereforeiam.eu Download Program NOVEMBER 9 European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) – Workers’...

Manifesto of New Realism

Retraces the history of postmodern philosophy and proposes solutions to overcome its impasses. Philosophical realism has taken a number of different forms, each applied to different topics and set against...

The Philosophy of Art: The Question of Definition

Drawing on the philosophies of art developed by the continental authors and studies of Anglo-American philosophers, this book presents a panorama of the philosophy of art. It discusses definitions offered...

Digital Ethics – The Issue of Images

Deutsch-Italienische Zusammenarbeit in den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften 2020   Scientific Committee: Prof. Dr. Thomas DREIER, M.C.J. (Karlsruher Institut fĂźr Technologie – KIT) Prof. Tiziana Andina (UniversitĂ  degli Studi di Torino)  ...

OUR SPECIES AND ITS RESPONSIBILITIES. An Ontology for the Environmental Crisis. International Conference

OUR SPECIES AND ITS RESPONSIBILITIES. An Ontology for the Environmental Crisis. International Conference. UNIVERSITY OF TURIN, 1 & 2 FEBRUARY 2018 Program Webpage Who is responsible for the current environmental...

Naturalism and Constructivism in Metaethics

In this collection of essays, several authors, belonging to different generations and philosophical traditions, discuss ample ethical and metaethical issues together with their relations to questions of applied ethics. The...

International Series of Lectures: “Realisms New and Old”

REALISMS NEW AND OLD TURIN – FONDAZIONE GUZZO Aula Guzzo, Via Po 18, Turin, Italy Spring term – Autumn Term 2015   Click here for the programme:Realisms New and Old This...

Law, Labour and the Humanities. Contemporary European Perspectives

The ontology of work and the economics of value underpin the legal institution, with the existence of modern law predicated upon the subject as labourer. In contemporary Europe, labour is...

Intruduction to New Realism, by Maurizio Ferraris

The Directors of Bloomsbury would like to invite you to celebrate the publication of: Intruduction to New Realism, by Maurizio Ferraris. The autor will be Joined by Iain Hamilton Grant...

Bridging Traditions. Chinese and Western Philosophy in Dialogue

For centuries, Western and Chinese thought have developed along parallel and sometimes opposite paths. One of the main issues of comparative philosophy is whether the dis- tance between them can...