Corpi virtuali

Sommario Maurizio Ferraris, Ontologia ansiosa Tonino Griffero, Introduzione. Sottile, spirituale, forse virtuale Maria Di Pasquale Barbanti, Lo statuto ontologico del primo corpo dell’anima in Proclo. Presupposti storici e coordinate teoriche Tonino Griffero, Uguale eppure...

Between Ordinary and Extraordinary

What is the relationship between the general, abstract norm and the singular, concrete case that sometimes affirms a parallel, contrasting, norm? The present book engages with this question. The argument...

Book Launch Rivista di Estetica “Rethinking Philosophy, Semiotics, and the Arts with Umberto Eco”

The book launch of Rivista di Estetica “Rethinking Philosophy, Semiotics, and the Arts with Umberto Eco” will be online on Zoom, on Wednesday 16 June 2021, from 3:00 pm to...



Being and Value in Technology

Despite numerous publications on the philosophy of technology, little attention has been paid to the relationship between being and value in technology, two aspects which are usually treated separately. This...

Naturalism and Constructivism in Metaethics

In this collection of essays, several authors, belonging to different generations and philosophical traditions, discuss ample ethical and metaethical issues together with their relations to questions of applied ethics. The...


Brill’s Companion to the Philosophy of Biology

In this volume, Andrea Borghini and Elena Casetta introduce a wide spectrum of key philosophical problems related to life sciences in a neat framework and an accessible style, with a...

La biodiversité en question

La version eBook (PDF) est disponible sur le site de notre partenaire libraire en ligne : Numilog. La diversité des êtres vivants est depuis fort longtemps un objet de réflexions...