Ontologia sociale

La realtà sociale è un dominio complesso, che ci interessa direttamente e quotidianamente. Perciò domandarsi che cos’è, come si compone e quali sono le sue dinamiche, è importante non solo...

Mercator Lecture for AI in the Human Context Webfare: Digital Equity

Mercator Lecture for AI in the Human Context Webfare: Digital Equity We as consumers, as Homo consumens qua Homo valens, have become a source of a new kind of capital. Until...

Sensing the Nation’s Law

This book examines how the nation – and its (fundamental) law – are ‘sensed’ by way of various aesthetic forms from the age of revolution up until our age of...

Bridging Traditions. Chinese and Western Philosophy in Dialogue

For centuries, Western and Chinese thought have developed along parallel and sometimes opposite paths. One of the main issues of comparative philosophy is whether the dis- tance between them can...

Raquel Cascales Tornel

OUR SPECIES AND ITS RESPONSIBILITIES. An Ontology for the Environmental Crisis. International Conference

OUR SPECIES AND ITS RESPONSIBILITIES. An Ontology for the Environmental Crisis. International Conference. UNIVERSITY OF TURIN, 1 & 2 FEBRUARY 2018 Program Webpage Who is responsible for the current environmental...

Storia dell’ermeneutica

Pubblicata per la prima volta nel 1988, e oggi riproposta con una nuova e densa introduzione, la Storia dell’ermeneutica rappresenta la prima ricostruzione esaustiva dello sviluppo storico dell’ermeneutica. L’ampiezza del...

BIODECON: Which biodiversity definition for biodiversity conservation?

The Philosophy of Art: The Question of Definition

Drawing on the philosophies of art developed by the continental authors and studies of Anglo-American philosophers, this book presents a panorama of the philosophy of art. It discusses definitions offered...

Mobilitazione totale

Un fatto è certo. Il panopticon esiste, ed è il web: un panopticon singolare, cieco, e con al posto di controllo non un essere umano ma una memoria infinita, e...