Oct 2016

Third International Research Conference Mechanisms for Formation of Cultural Exclusion and Frontier Zones

October 20, 2016

October 22, 2016

Institute of Sociology, RAS
Research Center for Cultural Exclusion and Frontier Zones

Saint-Petersburg State University
Institute of Philosophy
Department of Russian Philosophy and Culture

Italian Unstitute of Culture, Saint-Petersburg

Labont (University of Turin)

Mice and Travel Agency

Saint-Petersburg State Museum-Institute of the Roerichs

Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University
International relations department

The Third International Research Conference
The Conference conducted with financial support of the Russian Science Foundation (project № 14-18-00192)

Download Program (English)

Download Program (Russian)


(October 20-22, 2016)

There are two aspects of the formation of cultural memory. The first one is memorial zone. The second is the zone of oblivion and experience excepted from ordinary cultural practice; it is more important as it involves more cultural phenomena. Like some inconvenient historical figure or uncomfortable historical event this cultural experience is excepted but not completely forgotten. It shapes cultural borderlines and defines processes of identification. Such zones of excepted but unforgotten cultural experience were named Cultural Exclusion and Frontier Zones (on the analogy with the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone).
The main objectives of the Conference: To reveal the mechanisms for formation of cultural exclusion zones on the example of the totalitarian Soviet past. Though topographical representation of national culture is nowadays quite common in the field of the Humanities (the methods of exposing of geographical boarders of national cultures are drawn up, theories of “cultural boarders” are elaborated and imagology is actively developing), borderline is usually regarded as a characteristic of some territory possessing distinct outlines. The research group brought together by this project takes into consideration multifactor influence upon the contents of culture and sees in interaction of different cultures not only frontier zones (marginal and containing elements of two and more interacting cultures) but also exclusion zones, i. e. zones of cultural suppression whose importance for interacting cultures becomes rather questionable.
Organizing Committee :

Prof. Tiziana Andina, PhD (University of Turin, Italy)
Elizaveta I. Blagodatova (Saint-Petersburg State University, Russia), Press-Secretary of the Conference
Dr. Alexey A. Bondarenko, PhD in Physics and Mathematics (Saint-Petersburg State Museum-Institute of the Roerichs, Russia)
Prof. Alexander I. Brodsky, Doctor of Philosophy (Saint-Petersburg State University, Research Center for Cultural Exclusion and Frontier Zones, Russia)
Dr. Alexander Chertenko, PhD in Philology (Research Center for Cultural Exclusion and Frontier Zones, Russia)
Ksenia A. Kapelchuk, undergraduate student (European University at Saint-Petersburg, Research Center for Cultural Exclusion and Frontier Zones, Russia)
Dr. Zhanna V. Nikolaeva, PhD in Philosophy (Saint-Petersburg State University, Research Center for Cultural Exclusion and Frontier Zones, Russia)
Dr. Eugeny A. Macovetsky, Doctor of Philosophy (Saint-Petersburg State University, Research Center for Cultural Exclusion and Frontier Zones, Russia)
Prof. Alexey V. Malinov, Doctor of Philosophy (Saint-Petersburg State University, Research Center for Cultural Exclusion and Frontier Zones, Russia)
Dr. Vladimir L. Melnikov, PhD in Cultural Studies (Saint-Petersburg State Museum-Institute of the Roerichs, Russia)
Dr. Elena A. Ovchinnikova, PhD in Philosophy (Saint-Petersburg State University, Research Center for Cultural Exclusion and Frontier Zones, Russia)
Prof. Izolda Yu. Peshperova, PhD in Law (Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, Russia)
Prof. Sergey N. Pogodin, Dr. Sci in History (St. Petersburg Polytechnic University named after Peter the Great, Department of international relations, Russia)
Dr. Maria V. Semikolennykh, PhD in Cultural Science (Research Center for Cultural Exclusion and Frontier Zones, Russia)
Prof. Dr. Kerstin Schoor, PhD in Philology (European University Viadrina, Frankfurt/Oder, Center for Jewish Studies Berlin-Brandenburg, Germany)
Dr. Anna A. Troitskaya, PhD in Art History (Saint-Petersburg State University, Russia)
Dr. Sergey A. Troitskiy, PhD in Philosophy (Saint-Petersburg State University, Research Center for Cultural Exclusion and Frontier Zones, Russia), Chairman

Especially thanks: Maria Semikolennykh (translations)

Conference Rules and Regulations:
Time limit on talks – up to 25 minutes
Time limit on questions – up to 5 minutes


1st Day (October 20th, 2016)

10-00 — 10-30
Institute of Philosophy, SPbSU (5 Mendeleevskaya Liniya)
Registration of Participants

10-30 — 11-30
Institute of Philosophy, SPbSU (room 25, 5 Mendeleevskaya Liniya)
Simultaneous translation
Conference Opening Ceremony
− Conference Welcome Speeches
− General Information about the Conference and Events (Sergey A. Troitskiy)

11-30 — 13-30
Institute of Philosophy, SPbSU (room 25, 5 Mendeleevskaya Liniya)
Simultaneous translation

Session 1. Cultural Exclusion and Frontier Zones: Preliminaries
(Chair – Dr. Alexander Chertenko (Kiev, Ukraine / Gomel, Belarus / Berlin, Germany; RCCEFZ, Russia)

Sergey Troitskiy (Institute of Philosophy, SPbSU, Russia)
Zones of Cultural Exclusion and Construction of Topographic Hierarchy

Sergey Enikolopov (The Mental Health Center Research, RAMS, Russia)
Borders and Agression

Tiziana Andina (University of Turin, Italy)
States and Transgenerational Actions

Natalia Artemenko (Institute of Philosophy, SPbSU, Russia)
Cataleptic Consciousness / Post-Traumatic Subject

Alexander I. Brodsky (Institute of Philosophy, SPbSU, Russia)
Eros of Transfigured Logos. Logic and Sexuality in Formation of Cultural Exclusion Zones

13-30 — 14-30

14-30 — 16-30
Institute of Philosophy, SPbSU (room 108, 5 Mendeleevskaya Liniya)
Simultaneous translation
Round Table “Made in Italy: cultural exclusion or common memory?
(Chairs – Dr. Prof.Tiziana Andina (Turin University, Italy; LabOnt, Italy) and Dr. Zhanna Nikolaeva, PhD in Philosophy (Saint-Petersburg State University, Research Center for Cultural Exclusion and Frontier Zones, Russia))

16-30 — 17-00 

17-00 — 19-00
Institute of Philosophy, SPbSU (room 108, 5 Mendeleevskaya Liniya)
Simultaneous translation
Round Table “Made in Italy: cultural exclusion or common memory?
(Chairs – Dr. Prof.Tiziana Andina (Turin University, Italy; LabOnt, Italy) and Dr. Zhanna Nikolaeva, PhD in Philosophy (Saint-Petersburg State University, Research Center for Cultural Exclusion and Frontier Zones, Russia))

2nd Day (October 21st, 2016)
Institute of Philosophy, SPbSU (room 25, 5 Mendeleevskaya Liniya)
Simultaneous translation

10-00 — 11-50
Session 2. Transgenerationality and Borders between Generations

11-50 — 12-10

12-10 — 14-30
Session 3. Corporality as a Form of Cultural Exclusion and Comprehension of Borders

14-30 — 15-20

15-20 — 17-40
Session 4. Cultural exclusion and Formation of Borders

17-40 — 18-00

18-00 — 19-30
Session 5. Cultural Exclusion and Frontier Zones: Methodology and Terminology

10-00 — 11-50
Institute of Philosophy, SPbSU (5 Mendeleevskaya Liniya)
Simultaneous translation

Session 2. Transgenerationality and Borders between Generations 
(Chair – Dr. Prof.Tiziana Andina (Turin University, Italy; LabOnt, Italy))

Ludmila Artamoshkina (Institute of Philosophy, SPbSU, Russia)
Topology of Generational Memory in Zones of Cultural and Historical Frontier

German Bokov (Institute of Philosophy, SPbSU, Russia)
Youth Subcultures in within Zones of Cultural Exclusion and Frontier: Transformation of Identity (From Utopianism of Counterсulture to Eschatology of Contemporary Industrial Subcultures)

Maria Gracheva (Institute of Philosophy, SPbSU, Russia)
Border-forming Factors of Childhood Ethos in Contemporary Society

Alexey Smirnov (Institute of Philosophy, SPbSU, Russia)
Forgotten Soviet Past. Memory of the Past in Post-Soviet Russia

11-50 — 12-10 

12-10 — 14-30
Institute of Philosophy, SPbSU (5 Mendeleevskaya Liniya)
Session 3. Corporality as a Form of Cultural Exclusion and Comprehension of Borders
(Chair – Dr. Prof. Eugenia Voloschuk (European University Viadrina, Germany))

Konstantin Ocheretyanny (Saint-Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Russia)
Human Body is an Exclusion Zone

Alexander Chertenko (Research Center for Cultural Exclusion and Frontier Zones, Kiev-Gomel-Berlin)
“Doomed to be Meat”. Human Medical Experiments as Apophasis and Metaphor (“Flying dogs” by Marcel Beyer and “Alindarka’s Kids” by Alhierd Baharevich)

Vera Tripodi (University of Turin, Italy)
The Role of the Body in the Politics of Exclusion, Epistemic Injustice, and Prejudice

Larisa Morina (Institute of Philosophy, SPbSU, Russia)
Psychological Aspects of Cultural Exclusion

Elena Ivanova (Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Mental Health Research Center, Russia)
Borders of Jocosity and Jokes about Borders

14-30 — 15-20

15-20 — 17-40
Institute of Philosophy, SPbSU (5 Mendeleevskaya Liniya)
Session 4. Cultural exclusion and Formation of Borders 
(Chair – Dr. Zhanna Nikolaeva, PhD in Philosophy (Saint-Petersburg State University, Research Center for Cultural Exclusion and Frontier Zones, Russia))

Ernesto C. Sferrazza Papa (University of Rijeka; University of Turin)
Walls, or The New Nomos of the Earth

Timothy Tambassi (University of Bucharest; University of Eastern Piedmont)
Below the Classifications of Geographical Boundaries. Ontology of Geography and Cultural Diversities

Vladimir Kagansky (Institute of Geography, RAS, Russia)
Border and Transitional Zones: Counter-productive Neighbourship

Daniil Anikin (Saratov State National Research University named after N. G. Chernyshevsky, Russia)
Cultural Memory in the Circumstances of Civilizational Frontier

Eugenia Voloschuk (European University Viadrina, Germany)
Remnants of Magen David: Cartography of the Vanished “Jewish Ukraine” in German Literature (End of the XX – Beginning of the XXI Century)

17-40 — 18-00

18-00 — 19-30
Institute of Philosophy, SPbSU (5 Mendeleevskaya Liniya)
Session 5. Cultural Exclusion and Frontier Zones: Methodology and Terminology 
(Chair – Dr. Prof. Alexander Brodsky (Institute of Philosophy, SPbSU, Russia))

Oksana Kozhemyakina (Cherkasy State Technological University, Ukraine)
Borders of Distrust in Socio-Cultural Space of Cultural Exclusion

Elena Ovchinnikova (Institute of Philosophy, SPbSU, Russia)
Tatyana Yu. Bartashevich (Institute of Philosophy, SPbSU, Russia)
Integrative Potential of Public Morals in the Circumstances of Variating Moral Stereotypes of Cultural Frontier

Boris Bigun (European University Viadrina, Germany)
“In civilizations without boats, dreams dry up”: Heterotopias on the Break of Ideological Ages (Experience of Contemporary Russian and Ukrainian Literature)

3rd Day
(October 22nd, 2016)

Institute of Philosophy, SPbSU (room 25, 5 Mendeleevskaya Liniya)
Simultaneous translation Institute of Philosophy,

10-00 – 12-30
Session 6. Repression of National and Local “Other”

12-30 – 13-00

13-00 – 14-30
Session 8. “Gifts of the Enlightenment” and Zones of Cultural Exclusion and Frontier

14-30 – 15-30

15-30 – 18-30
Session 10. Cultural Temporality and Forms of Cultural Transformations (Deactualization/ Reactualization)


Institute of Philosophy, SPbSU
(room 108, 5 Mendeleevskaya Liniya)
Without simultaneous translation

10-00 – 12-30
Session 7. “Other” is out there: Cultural Fear of Identification

12-30 – 13-00

13-00 – 14-30
Session 9. Traumatic Reminder: War before and after the Memory

14-30 – 15-30

15-30 – 18-30
Session 11. Museum Practices of Deactualization and Reactualization

19-00 – 22-00
Conference Closing. Closing Address

Boat Trip along the Neva River
(by invitation)

10-00 – 12-30
Institute of Philosophy, SPbSU (room 25, 5 Mendeleevskaya Liniya)
Simultaneous translation
Session 6. Repression of National and Local “Other”
(Chair – Dr. Lada Shipovalova (Institute of Philosophy, SPbSU, Russia))

Kerstin Schoor, PhD (European University Viadrina, Frankfurt/Oder, Center for Jewish Studies Berlin-Brandenburg, Germany
“Goethe” as a Paradigm of Cultural Exclusion and Search for Identity in Jewish Cultural Life in Nazi Germany

Denis Bugaev (Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography “Kunstkamera”, Russia)
Mechanism of Formation of Cultural Exclusion and Frontier Zones on the Example of Georgia in the second Half of the XVIII – first Half of the XIX Century

Dmitry Kaunov (Institute of Philosophy, SPbSU, Russia)
Ideals of International Finno-Ugrian Ethnopolitical Movement and the Contemporary “Merya Renaissance” in the Upper Reaches of the Volga

Zhanna Nikolaeva (Institute of Philosophy, SPbSU, Russia)
Marginalization and Cultural Exclusion on the Fringes of Great Cities: Problem Statement

Natalia Poznyak (Gomel, Belorussia)
To hide a City. Contemporary Belorussian Poetry in Coordinates of Urban Geography

10-00 – 12-30
Institute of Philosophy, SPbSU (room 108, 5 Mendeleevskaya Liniya)
Without simultaneous translation
Session 7. “Other” is out there: Cultural Fear of Identification
(Chair – Dr. Elena Ivanova (Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Mental Health Research Center, Russia))

Natalia Dolotskaya (Institute of Philosophy, SPbSU, Russia)
Zones of Cultutral Exclusion in the Context of the Policy of Globalization and Multiculturalism

Roman Zolotovitsky (Moscow, Russia)
“Strange” Children Next Door, or How We are getting “Strange”

Lada Shilnikova (Faculty of Sociology, SPbSU, Russia)
Structure and Practices: Heteronormativity and non-Heterosexual Women

Anna Shipitsina (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)
Models of Cultural Transformation in Creative Conscience (by Creative Conscience)

Pavel Kretov (Cherkasy State Technological University, Ukraine)
Media Discourse of Authority and Phenomenon of Identity: Symbolical Dimension of the Newest Myth

12-30 — 13-00

13-00 – 14-30
Institute of Philosophy, SPbSU (room 25, 5 Mendeleevskaya Liniya)
Simultaneous translation
Session 8. “Gifts of the Enlightenment” and Zones of Cultural Exclusion and Frontier
(Chair – Dr. Sergey Troitckiy (Institute of Philosophy, SPbSU, Russia))

Sigrun Bilfeld (University of Tubingen, Germany)
System and Freedom. Remarks on Lotman and Karamzin

Petar Bojanic (University of Belgrade, Serbia; University of Rijeka, Chroatia)
On Natural Borders and Culture Wars (Survival of the Group)
Is Fichte still Our Inspiration?

Ekaterina Ovcharova (Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Russia)
On the Phenomenon of A. T. Bolotov

13-00 – 14-30
Institute of Philosophy, SPbSU (room 108, 5 Mendeleevskaya Liniya)
Without simultaneous translation
Session 9. Traumatic Reminder: War before and after the Memory
(Chair – Dr. Elena Ovchinnikova (Institute of Philosophy, SPbSU, Russia))

Dmitry Verbin (Institute of Philosophy, SPbSU, Russia)
Transformation of the Great War Image in Soviet and Russian Cultural Memory

Valentin Golovin (Institute of Russian Literature (the Pushkin House), RAS, Russia)
The Great War. Children’s Literature and Its Critical Analysis

Maria Bratolubova (Southern Federal University, Russia)
Memory of the Great Patriotic War on the Pages of Don Periodicals: Zones of Omission

14-30 – 15-30

15-30 – 18-30
Institute of Philosophy, SPbSU (room 25, 5 Mendeleevskaya Liniya)
Simultaneous translation
Session 10. Cultural Temporality and Forms of Cultural Transformations (Deactualization/Reactualization)
(Chair – Dr. Natalia Artemenko (Institute of Philosophy, SPbSU, Russia))

Vyacheslav Sukhachev (Institute of Philosophy SPbSU, Russia)
Temporal Cut of the Establishment of Cultural Exclusion Zones

Ksenya Kapelchuk (Research Center for Cultural Exclusion and Frontier Zones, Russia)
“Singularization of History”: From Instance to Event

Lada Shipovalova (Institute of Philosophy, SPbSU, Russia)
Mechanisms of Historical Memory: A Case of Epistemology

Maria Semikolennykh (Research Center for Cultural Exclusion and Frontier Zones, Russia)
“We should help Plato”: Reactualization of Platonism in Western Philosophy of the XV Century (on the Example of In Calumniatorem Platonis by Basilios Bessarion)

Natalia Gulyaeva (Institute of Philosophy, SPbSU, Russia)
Two Transformations of Russian Advertisement Posters during the first thirty years of the XX century

Irina Busurkina (Institute of Philosophy, SPbSU, Russia)
Phenomenon of Being a Fool for God’s Sake in Russian Culture of XVII-XX Centuries: Deactualization in Public Practice and Reactualization in Literature

15-30 – 18-30
Institute of Philosophy, SPbSU (room 108, 5 Mendeleevskaya Liniya)
Without simultaneous translation
Session 11. Museum Practices of Deactualization and Reactualization
(Chair – Dr. Boris Bigun (European University Viadrina, Germany))

Alexei Malinov (Institute of Philosophy, SPbSU, Russia)
Borders of Cultural and Philosophical Ages: Problems of Distinctness

Ksenya Surikova (Institute of Philosophy, SPbSU, Russia)
Museum Narrative as a form of Cultural Exclusion

Ivan Grinko Grinko (Center for museum research and projecting (Russian Institute for heritage research); Non-profit partnership “The center for study and popularization world cultures «Ethnology project», Russia)
“Museum” Borders and National Identities

Eugeny Makovetsky (Institute of Philosophy, SPbSU, Russia)
Museum: Ideological and Rhetorical Analysis of Cultural exclusion Zones

Elena Drobysheva (Vaganova Ballet Academy, Russia)
Axiology of Memory: Contemporary Transformations

19-00 – 22-00
Conference Closing. Closing Address

Boat Trip along the Neva River
(by invitation)

4th Day
(October 24th, 2016)

The Faculty of Philology, SPSU Room 190, 11 Universitetskaya emb.


Jewish Writers in Nazi Germany – Forgotten Chapter from the Histories of German Literature (in German)

(Dr. Prof. Kerstin Schoor)


Round Table “Made in Italy: Cultural Exclusion or Common Memory?”

Sociological institute, Russian Academy of Sciences
Research Center for Cultural Exclusion and Borderland Areas

Saint Petersburg State University
Institute of Philosophy
Department of Russian Philosophy and Culture
Labont (University of Turin)
Italian Unstitute of Culture, Saint-Petersburg (L’Istituto Italiano di Cultura a San Pietroburgo)

in the framework of the

Third International Research Conference
Mechanisms for Formation of Cultural Exclusion and Frontier Zones-2016
October 20–22, 2016

Week of Italian Culture “Italian Language and Creativity. Brands, design, fashion”

are pleased to announce
Institute of Philosophy, SPbSU (room 108, 5 Mendeleevskaya Liniya)

Round Table
Made in Italy: identity exclusion or common memory?

(Chairs – Dr. Prof. Tiziana Andina (Turin University, Italy; LabOnt, Italy) and Dr. Zhanna Nikolaeva, PhD in Philosophy (Saint-Petersburg State University, Research Center for Cultural Exclusion and Frontier Zones, Russia))


Interdisciplinary Round table will gather scholars, post-graduates, and students from Italy, Russia, and other countries. Participants of the Round table are going to discuss academic themes of such cultural and philosophical phenomena as Italian patterns, identity, and exclusion on the example “Made in Italy”, which has already become known throughout the world as a phenomenon of scholarly comprehension, university academic program, and, of course, as an important expression of Italian collective memory.
Among the participants of the Round table are: Prof. Tiziana Andina (Turin University) and Dr. Redenta Maffetone (Italian Unstitute of Culture, Saint-Petersburg) with welcoming speech and preliminary remarks on the theme of discussion, professors of the SPbSU, and other speakers, who will present their ideas on the contemporary state and history of the phenomenon, its actualization and reactualization, role of fashion and design in the transparency of cultural borders, and post-traumatic renovation. Zh. V. Nikolaeva and K. Ocheretyanny (SPbSU) will make an attempt to consider fashion for Italy as a phenomenon, which has been ensuring the overcoming of cultural exclusion; E. G. Sokolov will present Italian Gifts to Post-Modern; Dr. Leila Tavi from the University Rome-3 will present interesting Italian cultural start-up, namely “Fashion for Theater”; A. Troitckaya (SPbSU) will demonstrate Ideals of Italian Renaissance through the eyes of emigrant artist; A. V. Smirnov (SPbSU) has prepared a paper about the influence of Italian design on the Soviet consumer culture in the 1960-1970s; this theme is closely connected with Lenka Naldonjeva (University of Ostrava, Czech Republic) study on Gianni Rodari and children’s creativity in the Soviet Union. Fabio Papa, one of the founders of Master’s Program “Made in Italy” in the University LIUC (Italy), will tell us how “Made in Italy” has become an academic discipline.

Tiziana Andina (Turin University, Italy)
Welcome address

Zhanna Nikolaeva (Institute of Philosophy SPbSU, Russia)
Konstantin A. Ocheretyanny (Saint-Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Russia)
Fashion for Italy: Overcoming of Cultural Exclusion

Anna Troitckaya (Institute of Philosophy SPbSU, Russia)
Ideals of the Italian Renaissance through the eyes of Emigrant Artist. Works of Giulio Clovio, a Croat and an Italian

Eugeny Sokolov (Institute of Philosophy SPbSU, Russia)
Post-Modern: Italian Gifts

Leila Tavi (University Rome-3, Italy)
Fashion for Theater: First Start-up, Uniting Italian Haute Couture and International Scene

Alexei Smirnov (Institute of Philosophy SPbSU, Russia)
Influence of Italian Design on Soviet Consumer Culture of the 1960-1970s

Lenka Naldoniova (University of Ostrava, Czech Republic)
Gianni Rodari and children’s creativity in the Soviet Union

Fabio Papa (University LIUC, Italy)
“Made in Italy” in Italian Universities

Jewish Writers in Nazi Germany – Forgotten Chapter from the Histories of German Literature (in German)
Jewish Writers in Nazi Germany – Forgotten Chapter from the Histories of German Literature (in German)
(Dr. Prof. Kerstin Schoor)

October 24th, 2016
The Faculty of Philology, SPSU
Room 190, 11 Universitetskaya emb

Kerstin Schoor, Prof. Dr., Chair of Axel Springer Endowed Chair for German-Jewish Literature and Cultural History, Exile and Migration (European University Viadrina, Frankfurt/Oder), Director of the Center for Jewish Studies Berlin-Brandenburg

As a center of culture and literature in the period of the Weimar Republic and later a capital of Nazional Socialist State, after 1933 Berlin became the most important center of “Jewish” culture in Germany. Here from 1933 to 1945 lived about 1000 writers, scientists, artists, and intellectuals, in that or another sense involved into literary life of German Jews. It is enough to list such names as Gertrud Kolmar or Franz Hessel, Ernst Blass, Ludwig Meidner or Leo Hirsh, Mascha Kaléko, Kurt Pinthus, Arthur Elesser, Karl Escher, Meta Samson, Hilda Marx, Arno Nadel, Herbert Friedenthal (Freeden) or Max Samter; these are the representatives of many other people, who couldn’t or didn’t want (at least at the beginning) to emigrate from Germany.
In her lecture Kerstin Schoor drives attention to the question about the ways to express collective experience of failed emancipation and increasing external danger employed in the literary texts of the time. Besides, she is also interested in the extent to which it is possible to interpret cultural, political, and aesthetic manifestations by writes and intellectuals of Jewish origin in the period of rapid National Socialist Gleichschaltung of German cultural life as an expression of spiritual resistance, which in some cases could, probably, go beyond the will for self-fulfillment (in the sense of the gain of individual internal will at the face of external repressions and the threat of physical destruction) and be manifested also through the rejection of imposed by National Socialistic cultural policy principle of isolation (i. e. self-withdrawal from the culture of Europe and the whole world, and thus – from the century-old spiritual humanistic tradition).