Sep 2024

Mechanisms for Formation of Cultural Exclusion and Frontier Zones in the XIX–XX Centuries

October 22, 2015

October 24, 2015

International Research Conference Mechanisms for Formation of Cultural Exclusion and Frontier Zones in the XIX–XX Centuries

22–24th of October, 2015

Saint-Petersburg State University


.Download program (english)
Download program (russian)

Saint-Petersburg State University
Sociological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SI RAS)
International Fond of Supporting of Social Researches, Humanities, and Educational Programs “Intersozic”
Labont, University of Turin
Saint-Petersburg State Museum-Institute of the Roerichs
St. Petersburg Polytechnic University named after Peter the Great Department of international relations

The Conference conducted with financial support of the Russian Science Foundation (project № 14-18-00192)

During the XX century with its intensive cultural exchange (and to some extent even today) certain segments of the cultural space were deliberately and intentionally marginalized, isolated and excluded from the sphere of cultural interactions. Thus cultural exclusion zones have been created (the term has been introduced by Sergey Troitsky on the analogy with the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone). Such exclusion zones of cultural space were created by dominant ideology, and that in its turn gave philosophy and literature a task of their deconstruction, re-actualization of deliberately marginalized cultural experience, overcoming oblivion and finally — liquidation of cultural exclusion zones. A study on this mechanisms of cultural interaction still seems to be an important problem, as construction and deconstruction of such zones take place in the cultural space nowadays. Analysis of the Soviet experience allows us sufficiently assessing the prospects of further cultural development of the countries previously belonging to the Soviet bloc.

The main objectives of the Conference: To reveal the mechanisms for formation of cultural exclusion zones on the example of the totalitarian Soviet past. Though topographical representation of national culture is nowadays quite common in the field of the Humanities (the methods of exposing of geographical boarders of national cultures are drawn up, theories of “cultural boarders” are elaborated and imagology is actively developing), borderline is usually regarded as a characteristic of some territory possessing distinct outlines. The research group brought together by this project takes into consideration multifactor influence upon the contents of culture and sees in interaction of different cultures not only frontier zones (marginal and containing elements of two and more interacting cultures) but also exclusion zones, i. e. zones of cultural suppression whose importance for interacting cultures becomes rather questionable.

Scientific Committee of the Conference plans to host the following events:

— Research seminar “The Principles of Marginality and Regionalism in Culture” (in commemoration of the 180th birthday of Grigory Nikolayevich Potanin and the 150th anniversary of the “Process of Siberian Separatism”)

— Roundtable discussion “The Praise of Triteness: Public Opinion and Problems of Alienation of Elements of Culture”

— Social and Cultural Events for the Participants

Scientific Committee

Tiziana Andina, PhD in Philosophy (University of Turin)
Elizaveta I. Blagodatova (Saint-Petersburg State University), Press-Secretary of the Conference
Alexey A. Bondarenko, PhD in Physics and Mathematics (Saint-Petersburg State Museum-Institute of the Roerichs)
Alexander I. Brodsky, Doctor of Philosophy (Saint-Petersburg State University)
Ksenia A. Kapelchuk, undergraduate student (European University at Saint-Petersburg)
Eugeny A. Macovetsky, Doctor of Philosophy (Saint-Petersburg State University)
Alexey V. Malinov, Doctor of Philosophy (Saint-Petersburg State University)
Vladimir L. Melnikov, PhD in Cultural Studies (Saint-Petersburg State Museum-Institute of the Roerichs)
Elena A. Ovchinnikova, PhD in Philosophy (Saint-Petersburg State University)
Izolda Yu. Peshperova, PhD in Law (Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation)
Sergey N. Pogodin, Dr. Sci in History (St. Petersburg Polytechnic University named after Peter the Great, Department of international relations)
Anna A. Troitskaya, PhD in Art History (Russian Institute of Art History)
Sergey A. Troitsky, PhD in Philosophy (Saint-Petersburg State University), Chairman


Call for Papers
Application and abstract of presentation (recommended length is 2–3 pages or 500–1000 words) or full text of the paper (not exceeding 5000 words) in Russian should be submitted by the 10th of June, 2015. The Organizing Committee reserves the right to select papers for participation in the Conference. The acceptance will be communicated to authors by the 30th of June, 2015.ng>.
The Scientific Committee reserves the right to select papers for publication and edit them. The papers are not reviewed or sent back. The selected papers will be published on a special issue of Rivista di Estetica(http://labont.it/rivista-di-estetica). Further information will be send directly to authors.
An application containing applicant’s full name, affiliation, contact information (e-mail, phone, post address) as well as information on mode of participation (personal or virtual) should be send to the following e-mail address: sergtroy@yandex.ru. When an application is received, the Committee sends to an applicant a letter confirming its receipt and containing invitation (in case of personal participation).

For further information see: http://www.philhist.spbu.ru and http://www.labont.it