Sep 2024

International Series of Lectures: “Realisms New and Old”

March 3, 2015

Aula Guzzo, Via Po 18, Turin, Italy
Spring term – Autumn Term 2015


Click here for the programme:Realisms New and Old

This series of conferences, organised by LabOnt (Laboratory for Ontology) at the University of Turin, will be devoted to exploring contemporary philosophical thought and its links with the past. The topic of realism has become unquestionably crucial in the past few years, so we have tried to involve some of the most illustrious representatives of this current of thought.

Unless otherwise stated, the meetings will take place every Tuesday, at 17.00. Maurizio Ferraris will open every session with a short introduction, followed by the speaker’s lecture (about 45 minutes) and a subsequent discussion.


– 03 March: Graham Harman, “Realism without Knowledge”

– 10 March: Günter Figal, “On Phenomenological Realism”

– 17 March: Fabio Gironi,  “Il (Vecchio) New Realism e i suoi Critici: Trarre Lezioni per il Presente da un Dibattito del Secolo Scorso”

– 23 March: Jon Snyder, “Edmondo De Amicis: In Vino Veritas. Ebbrezza e Realismo”
(18.00-20.00, exceptionally @ Sala Grande, Circolo dei lettori, Via Giambattista Bogino, 9)

– 24 March: Enrico Berti, “Il Realismo di Aristotele: Vecchio o Nuovo?”


(spring holidays)

– 21 April: Tristan Garcia, “What is Something?”

– 28 April: Alexander Kanev, “Existence, Phenomenality, and Limits of Thought: Towards a Pluralistic Realism”


(summer holidays)

– 6 October: Jacopo Domenicucci, “Di chi ti fidi? Natura e oggetto della fiducia”

– 20 October: Mario De Caro, “Il realismo del mondo quotidiano e quello della scienza: una frattura insanabile?”

– 27 October: Jocelyn Benoist, “Vino Vecchio in Otri Nuovi?”


In collaboration withAlliance Française TurinGoethe Institut TurinCompagnia San PaoloUniversity of Turin

Organization & Info: Sarah De Sanctis (sarahdesanctis@hotmail.com)